Monday, December 1, 2008


November was a pretty good month all in all. As graph shows I finished up $4k, when you take "loyalty bonuses" and exchange rates into account I think it roughly offsets to make it €4k. If you add the IO ticket it nearly doubles it but I am not going to add that to I am fully 100% certain that I have it. I got told everything will be finalised and I shall be registered before Christmas. I shall wait and see if that comes to pass.

I got 13k hands in November. 10k at 200nl which went very well. My bb/100 was 21. I definitely ran a bit hot but as I said in a previous entry my confidence is very high at the level and I feel like I should be able to crush it on Ipoker. I got 2k hands in at 400nl and finished virtually breakeven, down $56 to be exact. Nothing much to take from that. I still felt comfortable at the level, even most of my regs I was against were pretty weak tight and easy to play against. Although it would be good if the results start to back me up.

Considering my desktop was broken for nearly half the month the number of hands isn't too bad. I had problems getting back into the zone the last few days for unusual reasons. I actually have a normal sleep pattern! I keep conking out before midnight and waking up at 7-8am and as the number of tables don't pick up until late afternoon/evening I am only getting 1 session a day in. So need to sort that out and overall play more sessions at 400nl. I am aiming for at least 10k hands there this month. If I keep my confidence level high then the year should finish off well. I can also say goodbye to 2008 which will be most welcome.

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