So I finished up the bonus at Leprechaun, good time to review my stats from the site.
They make for some interesting reading..
First off, my overall graph
yes, I made $125.79 for my 40k hands which I roughly estimate to work out as $1.30 an hour. That makes what I earned working at Universal Studios seem high paid!
But the breakdown by stakes rather tells it's own story
Here is my graph at 200nl.
and here is my graph at 400nl
It's fair to say my shot at 400nl didn't go well. What is pretty funny is when I went to review everything on HM, no matter what statistic it was if I did at 200nl I was in profit, at 400nl I was in the red. Even when I cbet at 400nl I was down!
So what went wrong. First off I played 400nl when I returned at the of September so a bit rusty which probably caused me to make mistakes and make spewy plays. My showdown stats are horrific. I was at least 10% down on what you would want that to be. I also think I ran pretty bad, lots of coolers and such like, combine together and you get that graph. I mean ultimately it's 16 buyins which while is a significant chunk of change. It's by no means unheard of for it to happen so I am not too down about it. I still think from playing there that I can hold my own and be a winning player, a comfortable one at that.
At 200nl, things kept improving as I moved along. I really felt like I was improved in late October and November. My November stats suggest this as I am up huge so far
Now I am running a hot a bit but it does reflect my increased confidence and my general edge that I believe I have at 200nl. I still I also have an edge at 400nl so will definitely be try to move up again this month. My aim is to for it to be my main level by the end of 08.
I am on a mini break now for a few days. Graduation is on Monday and the grad ball is on Tuesday in The Burlington, both of which I shall be attending. It's going to be a strange few days. Something 1 of the army guys told me was when my dad found out I had got the degree. He went in the next day to work and kept going on about it and was pretty proud by all accounts. I have already said how I don't feel a sense of achievement about it but the day is bigger then me and what I think.
2 months ago
Well done on both!!! TBH I'm far more impressed with you graduating college than the poker points considering how much you actually made! ;-D But a €3,500 free buy-in for IO (I presume that's what you'll go for?) is not to be sneezed at...
Enjoy the ball!
Well I do get around $6k in bonuses so break even wasn't the worst result ever :)
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