Not a huge update but I have been playing a bit more since the last entry. Up a bit, nothing major and haven't made up for my March losses yet. What I am happy with though is the fact I have been wanting to play much more. In the last few days I have been watching some of Seabeast videos on Leggopoker and they really have some good stuff in them. He talks a lot about how you should approach playing, what is the right mindset to have. How to think properly etc and it has really helped hearing his perspective on this.
I would be looking forward to putting a proper month of play in but alas it shall not be happening as my exams start in 12 days so obviously for a period of time poker(and most everything) will have to be put on the back burner and I am going to have to give full concentration towards the exams. I just want to do them and be done with college, well least that course forever so just require 1 last effort to cross the finish line. Hopefully when they are done come end of May and start of June I can really start putting the hands in.
3 months ago
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